jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The use of technologies in subjects at University

Technology development suffered big changes in the last time, it suppose help to people for their lifes are more easy; because actually all things are based in efficiency (less time, less people but more production). This situation happen in students of different universities, where need study a lot of subjects in each semester to past the year, and follow increasing in levels until finish the career. Teachers send their classes to mails or digital platform, so the students need have access to internet for doing works in groups, acquire classes and obtain notes.

Students used a lot of technology during this year; mainly The Internet, it has a good and bad part. The positive aspect is that students can obtain more recent researchs, discuss between the group of works but while they are in their houses, have a better comunication with teachers (for example: they send an email if the academic is not available, and wait to an answer), to access to information of other careers, other faculties, other universities and of any place. Specifically with the innovation in Obstetrics and Puericulture career, because this semester incorporated a subject called "Módulo Integrado Interdisciplinario Multiprofesional", this subject is like to attend a real patient but in digital way and is evaluated as group and personal work. Students need review their digital platform on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; but the virtual patient write to ask questions, to report the actual health situation or inform about new information related with health. Furthermore the health professional that attend the virtual patient, talk with spokesman of group of work too.
The negative aspect is that all students have not access to internet in their houses, so they need stay in Universities wait to the last news of virtual patient; because obviously the participation is evaluate to teachers. Also the time available to do this subject is limit, but patient write in any moment so it required more time and harms other subjects.

Finally, is possible to say the Technology in students`life is a very important tool, it allows to acquire new knowledge, save information during a lot time, to increase communication networks, etc. However access to Internet must be possible to all students, and of this way development in education is equal for all.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi my love!!

    Nice essay! The last sentence: "However access to Internet must be possible to all students, and of this way development in education is equal for all", I think that depend of the student, your motivation for study, how university is implementing technology, etc.

    Kisses, I <3 U!

