domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Hello verybody! Today my post is about STRESS, it is the disease more prevalent in the last time.

Mean of stress is: "Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Signs of Stress; mental symptoms include: tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, feeling excessively tired and you have trouble sleeping. Physical symptoms include: dry mouth, a pounding heart, difficulting breathing, stomach upset, frequent urination sweating palms and tight muscles (it cause pain and trembling)". (available in this link:

I think that all stress` consequences are umpleasant for people, because it affects the relation with other persons and you can generate dislikes. Furthermore should be considered biological consequences: chronic fatigue, digestive upsets, headaches, back pain, affect inmune cells (it can increase the risk to get more infections and other diseases), increase blood pressure (rise the risk for stroke), lead to diminished sexual desire and an inability to achieve orgasm, etc. But we can not forget that stressful lifestyle can increase probability to incorporate bad habits such as smoking, drinking, overeating and drog abuse. The bad habits topic is important, because I think most people believe that it is the output only for their problems, but really this things can relax for a short time.

I think the BEST solutions to decrease stress are change their lifestyles and search way to solve things that affect you; for example you can do more sports, go out with your friends, go to the cine, eat more healthy such as eat more fruits, vegetables, drink more water, etc.

In my personal experience I think that I felt stress sometimes, especially since that enter to university, but it is more difficult solve because you must do a lot of things such us: study, doing works, prepare workshops and the most important you must try sleep in your free time.

hope you enjoy my post, see you in class!!


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