martes, 29 de junio de 2010

The english class!

Hello everybody; today my post is about: The experience in the English class.

The english programme was formulated to four levels: starter, beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate. I began is the first level, I am of the starter generation!

The english class is a good experience to me, it help me to discover many aspect in the languages; like increase my vocabulary, I have more security to write and understand conversations in english of course, etc.
The 2009 year the english class has a benefits, it was that the class were in north faculty; but now the clas place is in occident faculty, so I must travel in bus, subway and walk; all this is very tired. It could cause this year I was with less energy and a little less motivate.

The oral tests are good, because it is a instance to put our senses in the full expression and of this way you yes or yes must understand the conversation or interaction. Sometimes I think that the oral interaction should be more clear or realist, as a tv programme, an interview, a movie, etc.

I think that the Blog is a very good idea, but the methodology isn´t the better. For example with the blog I can write more quickly, I have a lot of vocabulary, I improve the gramatically mistakes, I can understand the long papers and search, etc. But the time destinated to do the blog is little in the last time, because there are many things to do; and the instance to correct it doesn´t good, and I think that I need a special class about gramatically.

I hope that you enjoy my post!

See you soon...

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My pretty cats! =)

Hi everybody!!

First I want to say: free blog are the best, because it is a instance to write about issues that you consider important.

In this oportunity my post is about my cats! I have two cats: Bianca and Sussi! But really only Bianca is my cat, because Sussi is my cat and of my brother; take care both.

Bianca is the major cat, it is 3 years aproximatly, Bainca is a big animal their weight is 3 to 4 kilos, it is grey, brown and black. Bianca is very glutton it eat their food (one medium cup); and if can it eat the Sussi´s food (other one medium cup) and the Luna´s food (it is the dog of my brother).
Sometimes when my mother cooks vegetables Bianca try to eat them, for example it like the broccoli , chard, pumpkin and it loves green beans. I think that my cat called Bianca is a little fat and I try to decrease their weight, but I can´t control my cat when I´m not at my house.

Sussi is the little cat (it is 1 one year), my brother found it out of our house and we started give food to the cat; but one day we saw some girls to mistreat and wet kitten, after that my brother and I decided adopt the kitten and now my brother is responsable of their feeding and health. It is white, grey and brown . It is very playful and disordely. But the bad is that Sussi is glutton too, although it is slim.

I choose write about my cats because I love them and I consider my cats as my "daugthers".
My boyfriend upset me because he hate to Bianca, he call it COW ( for the fat characteristic).

I hope that you enjoy my post!!

See you in class! Cheers!

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

"Save the last dance"

Hello everybody!

Today my post is about my favourite movie, it is "Save the last dance" (the name of this movie in spanish is "Pasión y baile").
This film is of the romantic drama genre, was written by Duane Adler and directed by Thomas Carter. It was produced by MTV Films and released by Paramount Pictures on January 12, 2001.

The main theme of the film is the teenage interracial relationship between Sara (Julia Stiles) and Derek (Sean Patrick Thomas), where he helps the main character (Sara) to come back to take her ballet classes, that she had left.

The whole story begins when Sara was in an audition to be admitted to study at Julliard (it is a performing arts conservatory) and invited her mother to attend, but the mother in her attempt to arrive on time for the daughter´s presentation suffers a terrible car accident and she dies.
After her mother´s death , Sara should go live with her father and with him she had little communication. He plays the trumpet in a jazz band and lives in a predominantly black neighborhood on Chicago's South Side. At her new high school, Sara is one of only a handful of white girls. She soon befriends Chenille (Kerry Washington), she is the Derek´s sister. Chenille invites to Sara a hip hop club, here Sara knows better to Derek and begin a friendship. As time passes Derek begins to teach hip hop dancing to Sara and and encourages to resume her ballet classes, now they have a romantic relationship.

Their relationship becomes complicated by the envy that generates Sara, for Derek's girlfriend, because he is one of the best students in that school and one of the few who has a good future. Despite this he helps Sara to prepare her contemporary dance audition for Julliard.

The other part of this movie you must see, because is a really good movie!! I like it, because is a mixture of romanticism and dance; and I love the dance in all their aspect.

I hope that you enjoy my post!

See you soon!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

"an apple a day keep the doctor away"

Hello everybody! Today mi post is about the prevention and education in three different levels... individuals, families and the community. First is important to mencioned the prevention´s mean: "Prevention are all the actions and techniques to achieve that people don´t sick or that sick people will not aggravate their situation". Furthermore the prevention can be primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary.
The primordial prevention:
Prevent the emergence and consolidation of patterns of social, economic and cultural development is known to contribute to raising the risk of disease.
The primary prevention:
decrease the incidence of disease by controlling causes and risk factors.
The secondary prevention:
Cure patients and reduce the most serious consequences of the disease through early diagnosis and prompt treatment.
The tertiary prevention:
Reduces progression or complications of established disease. Also is important for therapy and social rehabilitation of sick people.
Prevention, in any level, is important because it is always best to avoid the disease or exposure to risk factors that may cause a deterioration in our health, to be sick and feel physically and psychologically bad about it. We as health professionals have a major role in the prevention of disease in the general population, and the best way to achieve this is through education.
How to prevent at the individual level? We like health professional could to give information about healthy lifestyles query times of our patients, delivering leaflets on nutrition, food and sports, in due course lead to specialists according to the risk of the user, etc.
How to prevent at the family level? We like health professional could
provide holistic care based on a health team that not only focus on the health of the person they care for the health of the family of the user, educate the mother who is in charge in most cases of family nutrition, etc.
How to prevent at the community level? We like health professional could
to promote public policies that intended to increase advertising on healthy lifestyles on television, radio, internet, etc.
We as Midwives
can to promote the prevention during antenatal care, by workshops at the level of health service which is part of the control of the users to attend these, to educational interventions in communities with less access to health center, organize workshops or lectures at colleges and high schools about reproductive health, etc.

I hope that you enjoy my post!

See you soon!

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


In this opportunity my post is about the gender roles in health care!
Actually, in Midwifery exist man and women students, but in the past only women study this career, the same happen with nursing.
The benefit to man midwive is that the women prefer be attended to man, because she think that men are more delicate with her.
The drawbacks to man midwive are mainly psychological , because like in the mayority of the cases the midwive are women, for this they may be teased by their friends, family or others who study health careers.
Another career affected by problems in gender roles may be Nursing, because their courses are formed mostly of women is seen as a career for women.
To reduce the gender problems I can spread that the men in this career are very good partners in the university´s work, in the practices, furthermore is not relevant that a midwive is woman or man, both have the same knowledge.
I think that the gender roles, in developed countries, is not a problem; because the women and men have the same rigths. But in countries little developed the difference between women and men are most evident.

I hope that you enjoy my post!

See you soon!